25 August 2011

Anacapa Brew Pub Ventura Serves Bones In Salmon Burger

I'm truly appalled at my recent dining experience at Ventura's Anacapa Brew Pub. Perhaps I should not be too surprised as most of my prior experiences there have left me with the distinct impression that everyone who works there, from the owner to the waiters, feels that they are doing me a favor just letting me in the door.

One caveat: I've only seen the owner once and that was years ago. There could be new owners by now or it could be the same small man with small customer service values.

On this recent visit, a companion and myself met up at the Anacapa Brew Pub in downtown Ventura for a little business meeting.

Tip: Park in the free parking structure and walk over. The City Council members who voted for the parking meters in Ventura should be roasted on spits.

I'm used to the Anacapa Brew Pub kitchen staff "phoning it in" as closing time approaches but this night was a real, inexcusable disaster. A disaster only made worse by the actions of our waitress no doubt informed by policies set by the owner… Mr. Warmth as described above.

So what happened? Yah, I know, get to the point. Well my companion ordered a salmon burger. Not once, but twice, he found, and showed me, bones exceeding an inch in length. How did he find them? By munching down in large bites, exactly how one eats a burger or other sandwich when hungry. The first one was on its way down his throat when he caught it, and coughed it back up. That could have done some very serious harm to him.

Hidden bones in a burger? Are you kidding? What was the kitchen, chef, anyone thinking in there?

When the waitress was told of the problem she quickly (to her credit) apologized and asked if he wanted something else to eat.

But here is the insult to injury. When the bill came, nothing was comped. Not our meal. Not his meal. Nothing. Those greedy SOB's nearly injured him or worse and they had the unmitigated nerve to charge him (us) full price for the privilege.

Are you looking for a nice pub like place to dine in downtown Ventura? Try Dargan's at the corner of Main and California. Every time I've been in there the food and beverages were good, the staff friendly, and one of the owner's has come by the table to be sure my party was happy.

And that is how it should be my dear reader, as it should be.

PS. Sorry there are no pictures of food this time.

Anacapa Brewing Company on Urbanspoon

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