21 May 2011

Cabo Beach Grill Review - Ventura

I'm going to launch this blog with a very quick and nearly third person review, more on that later, of the Cabo Beach Grill in Ventura. Third person review? Well, I went in there with someone who ate their food and I only sampled one item.

First Impressions
We went in mid-evening on a Friday night. The place was empty. I expected to see tumbleweeds blowing across the floor kinda empty. There was one other patron waiting for a to go order, two staff members and us. Purty darn empty on what should be a busy night. Not a good sign.

My companion went to read the menu and place an order. The female member of staff smiled and seemed very friendly. The other employee seemed busy near the grill working on that other customer's order.

I drifted over to their salsa bar to see what delicacies they offered. I guess that Friday evening is outside the normal service hours. The salsa bar had two completely empty, and I mean dry empty bowls, leading me to conclude they had been empty for some long time.

Not a good next impression.

I changed course and headed to the wall near the front door to read the review they proudly posted, undated, from the Ventura Reporter.

That looked promising - it spoke of great food at a good value price. Hmmm.

My companion ordered a Taco combo with a chicken taco as the entrée. Oh, and it was to go.

I had purchased a sandwich from another restaurant so off we went into the night.

The Eating
At home I bade them go eat while the food was hot. I was going to fiddle around with shooting some food photos of my sandwich.

Joining them some ten minutes later I asked what they thought of the Cabo Beach Grill food? Their face said it all. Not happy. They said the chicken meat was dry and the tortillas were simply "nasty." What do you want, they are not exactly the most eloquent food critique on earth. I tried one of the chips myself. A bit oily, soggy, stale and soft. The term "dreck" comes to mind. Look it up if you are not a member of the tribe. Or married to one.

I'll pass on the Cabo Beach Grill from now on.

Cabo Beach Grill on Urbanspoon

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